Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Got started on the manga-ka biz just for the hell of it. Damn, the story's way too easy to pull off, it's the details I'm worried about. And also, there's this thing I'm concerned about my writing, since it's been a while since I've done so, I may have some plot holes every now and then. Story discrepancies. I might not get the plot flow right on the first try.

Hell, it's the first try, you know. Everybody falls on the first jump.

I still don't know if I'll still pursue that former career. I said to myself that that was the last time that I was gonna do it due to the best home-to-work proximity range I had and the ease of access to whatever, yet I find myself clueless as to what other long-term move I'd be getting. Practicality states that I should give it one more try in order for my cash flow to somewhat stabilize, but the question is for how long I should keep up with it. Will it be until I get enough money again to study and become a person professing some thing that I don't practice, or do I just bum out until a miracle comes?

Damn. Would it sedate my hesitation, or inflame me and make me stall? I'm running out of options here, and considering that I'm also in a huge struggle against this writer's block, I'm screwed for the meantime.

I hate to depend on Lady Luck, but I don't wanna gamble on a Minesweeper bomb either. Come on, Kajiren, make up your damn mind, before somebody else dictates stuff for you. Step back from the ledge, my friend.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

8 a.m.

Thursday night. May go outside as soon as soon as they... Oh, here they come. See you.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Scattered Bottles, Dirty Floor

Gotta start off with this year with a bang, they say.

Welcome, 2010! Welcome to the dawning of a new, uhm, what's new anyway? It's still the same ol' everyday, no biggie. The same DoTA, the same drinking partners, the same ota people... I wish the fireworks next New Year become nuclear! Hah. That would stir up an international convention or two.

Don't mind me, I'm used to me too. All this talk about apathy, destruction and suffering will numb your senses sooner than you think. Believe me, I've been mushy before, and as I clearly remember, it didn't last long. I had to attend apathy classes again to rid me of that Care-Bear feeling.

It's nice to see that there's like two more years before the so-called Mayan planet death thing. I'm getting excited already (not)! I mean, who in the world would love seeing their home turf die out on them? I ain't superstitious or religious or anything, but if there were signs of unexplained global instability showing up, then that would only mean that everybody's gonna panic, pray, lock themselves up inside a bomb shelter (for the nth time, e.g. Y2K), commit suicide (you'll never catch me alive, motherf*cker!), and do other stupid stuff.

If it does happen (which is in my own honest opinion, never in this lifetime), then you'd see me having a relaxing stroll in the park, smoking my Reds, enjoying the liveliness of the entire populace, and watching them run for their lives. I might pick up an FHM December 2012 International Edition containing Sena Ayanami as Our Lady of The Apocalypse of the Month. Who knows? There might even be an End-of-Days Clearance Sale in Glorietta when the time comes.

And then I wake up. I'm back in this mundane world. I don't care about when the world will expire, all I care about is how to make an impact while the world is not yet doomed.

The sun is up, but I want more.


The Daily Dud

Oh yeah. Char's gonna get it now.

Listening to:
Hatebreed - Destroy Everything

Last watched:
South Park - The List

Make/Break Your Day Quote:
I never apologize. I'm sorry, but that's just the way I am. - Homer J. Simpson

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Coming Down The World Turned Over

January the 2nd. Midnight, more or less. An aibo lost a cellphone today, so I'm offering mine for use. It's not like anybody would text me important messages (well, except for beer)! Now, onto pressing matters...

I'll be doing literary stuff again, this time in the form of a one-shot comic book, Nippon style. It's a self-made manga about the everyday life of Vaten and its members. I just got this wack program that does strip panels and comic book effects in a flash, so I thought that would save me some time before the convention starts, and hopefully, I get to drink afterwards for a job well done.

Got to successfully remove a stupid MBR virus from the laptop, which is one of the hardest shit I had to do for a computer. I am also spending an accumulated twelve-hour-a-week stay at my folks' flat just to see how they were doing.

Aww, what's with the concerned mindset? Where did the "couldn't care less" attitude go?

New Year's a bitch. It wasn't that interesting enough, but I do get to have a new New Year's Resolution:

No more New Year's Resolutions. Ever.

That's it for now, better get back to watching the world suffer. I might miss something, so, soré ja.